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ACF Children's Liquid Supplement

Regular price $25.50 USD
Regular price $28.99 USD Sale price $25.50 USD
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Buried Treasure Children's ACF Advanced Immune Response is Plant sourced vitamins plus a potent herbal blend of natural ingredients WITHOUT added sugar, artificial ingredients, corn syrup or artificial flavors. Safe for children 2 and up. Provides daily immune support. System support of Vitamin C, Echinacea, Elderberry, Zinc, & other ingredients work to help build & to maintain their immune system. Children's ACF for supporting your kids a strong healthy immune system for optimal health.

Buried Treasure Children's ACF Advanced Immune Response is a highly absorb-able fast acting, powerful liquid formula blend of plant-based extracts, herbs and key nutrients. Working together to improve kid’s immune function and suitable for adults as well. Liquid vitamins are absorbed up to 98% by the body compared to 18% for pills/capsules. Our liquid formula makes it easier for your kids to eat with a meal or juice and works fast because their body can absorb more efficiently and effectively.

Advanced Immune Support for Children,  Natural Fruit Flavors, 16 servings

DISCLAIMER: The herbs used above has been proven both effective and beneficial for hundreds of years. However, due to certain laws/restrictions, the information provided is not to diagnose, claim to prevent, mitigate, or cure such conditions, nor to provide a diagnosis. Therefore, if you are ill, have any disease, are pregnant, or just improving your health, we are required to tell you to consult a medical doctor for medical advice, treatment and services.